February Member Spotlight


Company: Dr. Sara Smith Wellness

Location: Glouster, VA

Member Since: 2017

Family and Background

I was born in Richmond and moved to the Eastern Shore when I was around 9 years old. While I was a fish out of water coming from the city to the Eastern Shore, I quickly found that God placed me in exactly the right spot to grow and thrive in a loving community. When I left for Virginia Tech, I did not think I would ever live on the Shore permanently, but as many of us find, the Shore has a way of luring you back! After physical therapy school, Curt and I got married, started new jobs and bought a new house on the Shore, outside of Onancock, within two weeks! Starting and raising our family on the Shore, just as we had grown up was such a gift to us. Over ten short years we welcomed our three boys, Bo Duke (the SPCA rescue pup), Whitt and Bec into our Eastern Shore life.

Over a year ago we relocated due to a career opportunity that brought us to Gloucester, VA. Here we spend most of our time integrating ourselves into this new community while secretly determining how to bring more and more Eastern Shore of VA products and connections to the area so it feels more like home.

What inspired you to pursue the career you have?

I was inspired by my grandmother to go into the field of physical therapy. Her office was always inviting, calm, soothing and serene. I also was inspired by hearing the stories of hope and health that were coming out of the work she was doing with clients. As my career has shifted into offering holistic coaching, other large influences include my mom, dad, and countless others. All of them have inspired me in different ways to value attributes such as compassion, leadership, customer service and to take a whole person approach as I work with clients. My mom inspired me to think outside of the box and to consider the emotional-spiritual and the mind-body connections. My dad inspired me by exhibiting the utmost care and customer service for anyone who entered his pharmacy.

What is the best piece of advice that you have been given?

I've been blessed to receive much fantastic advice over the years from many wonderfully generous friends and family members, but the thing that sticks out to me the most is the advice I received from Mama Girl:

“We're often missing the blessings that God has given us. So, keep your eyes open! Be always looking out because there are blessings all around and we have to be ready to receive them and give thanks for them.”

what is one thing you would tell your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to keep trying and it is OK to be uncomfortable because there is no such thing as failure!

favorite Eastern shore activity.

This is a hard one for me to answer because there are just so many fantastic things I love to do on the Shore!

My most special times have been with friends and family watching NASA launches, being out on the water to watch the sunrise or sunset, kayaking on the bayside and seaside, having a bonfire gathering under the moonlight and shopping at any of our special local stores followed by eating at any of our amazing restaurants.

We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful, healing and peaceful community as the Eastern Shore.

Just for fun, what is your favorite way to stay cozy in the winter?

I first enjoy being outside, taking a brisk hike or walk. Then coming inside to a warm cup of lavender or chrysanthemum tea, wrapping up in a blanket and snuggling with any or all of my boys (including husband and fur boy).

Robert Sabbatini